Dhirendra Shastri alias Bageshwardham Baba is a story teller, who often narrates the story of Ramayana. Earlier it was not very popular. He recently claimed that he is a psychic, and that he has the power to read people’s problems in their mind. After his claim, many people started coming to him to narrate their problems and get their solution, after which a lot of discussions started about Dhirendra Shastri. A program of Dhirendra Shastri was organized in Nagpur in January 2023, in which he was showing his miracles. An organization in Nagpur challenged Dhirendra Shastri that he would tell the correct name of the people brought by that organization, then the organization would give him a reward of 30 lakh rupees. Instead of accepting this challenge, Dhirendra ended his program two days earlier and went away. The organization claimed that Dhirendra left there prematurely fearing the challenge of the organization.
Well, with the help of this special skill of his, Dhirendra has earned a lot of money in a short span of time. According to a report, he has acquired property worth about Rs 2000 crores, which is in the name of his ashram.
There is no dearth of such babas in India who claim to solve people’s problems through such tricks and earn a lot of money. However, Baba’s tricks do not have any effect on the people, nor do their problems get resolved.
It is just a business for some youth to take advantage of people’s faith in miracles by posing as baba. Stay away from any such miraculous claims.
धीरेन्द्र शास्त्री के पास अपार धन है. इनके पास कई अरब रूपये की प्रॉपर्टी है. इनके एक प्रवचन की फीस 10 लाख रूपये प्रति दिन की है.