
Earning By Youtube Like & Subscribe, Prepaid Merchant Job is a Cyber Fraud


Nowadays a new way of online fraud is open. A message comes through WhatsApp by a forger, in which it is said by forger “A” that there is a part time job for you, under which you will get commission at the rate of Rs. 50 per like for liking or subscribing 3 YouTube channels. You would think this is very simple. Let’s do it . To like or subscribe to the YouTube channel given by him, the screenshot has to be sent to that fraudster “A”. After that that fraudster “A” will give you a Code and send you a link to chat with another fraudster “B” on Telegram app. You will have to chat with another fraudster “B” through Telegram app for your payment. Fraudster “B” will ask you for bank account details. After take your bank detail, this fraudster “B” will send you 100-150 rupees in your bank account for the first time. After that fraudster “B” will tell you that now you have to do prepaid work for the merchant only then you will get commission 30%, i.e. first deposit some money then work, then you will get commission of your deposit amount. In the beginning it will be said that if you do a task worth Rs.1000, then you will get Rs.1000 as principal and Rs.300 as commission (as 30%), which means a total of Rs.1300.



Suppose you give 1000 rupees in greed. But when you give 1000 rupees, then fraudster “B” will send you the telegram link of third fraudster “C” , Whom those people call tutor or teacher and will ask you to chat with him. Third number fraudster “C” (Tutor/Teacher) creates your account on a fake website, then tells you that you will have to do 2 to 3 tasks for the merchant only then you will get commission. This task is also a trick. The fake website looks like a crypto currency trading website where trading of crypto currency is going on and your money is invested in crypto currency trading. But in reality no trading takes place, it is all just an illusion. As soon as you do the first task or trading, after that amount Rs. 1300 will start showing in your account of that fake website. After that the fraudster “C” (Tutor/Teacher) will say that you will have to do another task for the merchant, for which more funds will be required. This extra fund can be anything, from 1800 to 5000 rupees can also be demanded. And fraudster “C” (Tutor/Teacher) will also tell you that from here you cannot quit with your 1300 rupees. You have to do the task, otherwise your 1000 rupees will be confiscated. No commission will be given to you. Suppose after this you were forced to send a fund of Rs.5000 for another merchant task as well. Now on the same fake website, your funds will start appearing increased. For example, if you have sent an extra fund of Rs.5000, then your total fund will appear in the your account on the fake website as Rs.1300+5000 (total Rs.6300). Then that fraudster “C” (Tutor/Teacher) will pretend to get the trading done from you. After 2 or 3 minutes your total money including 30% commission of Rs.6300 will appear in your account of fake website Rs.8190. After that that fraudster “C” (Tutor/Teacher) will tell you that now complete the third task of the merchant and you will get full money back. And for the third task he can demand for 25000 to 50000 rupees. And he will also say that if you don’t give Rs. 25000 or 50000 then your 8190 rupees will be confiscated, and if you pay extra Rs. 25000 then you will get 40% commission. Suppose you send him 25000 or 30000 rupees, then you will not get even a single rupee back. The fraudster will block your Telegram ID, you will not be able to contact that fraudster. After loss of your money, you will not be able to do something. All transactions are taken under UPI. All the chat is done through Telegram Messenger, so that a person cannot even find that fraudster.



So you have seen how by talking about investing 1000 rupees only, after trapping you in his trap, he runs away with your 25000-30000 rupees. That’s why don’t consider any part time job offer that talks about doing prepaid job. Before giving money to these fraudsters, think that if in reality someone can return 1000 rupees with 30% commission in a few minutes, then why can’t those fraudsters do this work themselves?



In this regard, many news have also been published in the newspaper, a copy of which is being published here.


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22 thoughts on “Earning By Youtube Like & Subscribe, Prepaid Merchant Job is a Cyber Fraud

  1. ------------------------------------------------------------
  2. They cheated with me and taken my Rs. 12,000. Never pay any amount for prepaid task or prepaid activity. All are thieves.

  3. I have lost Rs. 10,000 in merchant prepaid task. It is a 100% fraud. There is no any company do such like any prepaid job.

  4. I have lost 100000 😭😭
    Is there any way get this money back from those frauds

    Iam struggling to pay from whom all I took

  5. Exactly same thing happen to me 1st i paid 1000 got return of 1300 then again i paid 3000 there in the name of task there are asking me to deposit 5000 and i did again in the name of task they as me to deposit of 25000 to complete the task and return will get 34k But i have not deposited luckily. But i have loose my 8.5 grand.

  6. They cheated me with Rs. 5,525. They ask me for pay Rs. 1025 in advance, after that they demanded for Rs. 4400 again. I paid that , but after that they demanded for 16,000. I did not paid. So that they did not return my Rs. 5525.

  7. These people definitely cheat. That’s why just take 150 rupees from them and leave them.

  8. Such people cheat people on Telegram because the user’s mobile number is not traceable on Telegram.

  9. In the name of merchant task, they took 5000 rupees from me and after that they started demanding 15000 rupees. I could not give, so they grabbed 5000 rupees from me. Beware of such thugs.

  10. ऐसे ठगों से सावधान रहें. कोई भी बिजनस या काम इतनी आसानी से पैसा नहीं देता है. अगर इतनी आसानी से पैसा होने लगे तो कॉल करने वाला खुद ही अरबपति हो जायेगा.

  11. Even I lost 52000 they are cheaters ,can we file any complaints against them and how to get that money back.Can someone please suggest.

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