In the year 2024 in India, more than 7 crore people are suffering from diabetes. Whereas this figure has reached more than 40 crores all
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Nityananda, an accused in a rape case in India who has escaped from India, has announced the establishment of a Hindu nation. He named this
भारत में जाति प्रथा सदियों से चली आ रही है. अब हाल के वर्षों में पिछड़े जाति और अनुसूचित जाति व जनजाति के लोगों में
Presenting the budget for the year 2024 in the Bihar Vidhansabha, the Finance Minister has announced that in the year 2024, many lakh vacant posts
Every month some bike company launches new bikes in India. This month also new bike and scooty have been launched. The details of which are
If you want room on rent in Mumbai on your budget then write here your budget. Room owners will contact you on your mobile number
Many Indian actors and actress are died under age of 60 years, due to many reasons. Here is list of those actors and actress who
The state of Bihar has been a pioneer in the country in the matter of social justice. Jannayak Karpoori Thakur had implemented reservation in the
Having diabetes is becoming a common disease these days. The main reason for this is the big change in diet nowadays. Nowadays, excessive fertilizers, pesticides
If you want travel foreign country for some time but you don’t have any passport or visa than you no need to worry. There are