12th December is very special birth day date. Many famous Indian celebrities born on date of 12th December. Here is list of those personality who
Category: General Knowledge
11th December is very glorious birth day. Many Indian celebrity were born on day of 11th October. The lucky number for born on 11th December
9th December is very lucky birth day. The lucky number for born on 9th November is 5 and lucky color is Brown. Many famous Indian
8th December is very luck birth day. Many famous personality celebrates their happy birth day on 8th December. Here is list of famous Indian person
December 4 is a very important day in India. Indian Navy Day is celebrated on 4 December.It is believed that a child born on 4
India is a democratic country. Here, all religion and caste have equal right in politics. There are many famous leader from Muslim community who are
The day of 27 November holds a very important place in India. Indian Poetry Day is celebrated on 27 November in India, because on this
26 November is celebrated as Samvidhan Diwas (Constitution Day) in India. The birthday of many eminent people in India is also celebrated on 26 November.
The day of 25 November is celebrated as World Carnivore Day. According to astrology, a child born on 25 November is very hardworking and travels
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