Kharagpur is a small town in West Bengal. Kharagpur is famous for huge railway station and IIT Kharagpur. Kharahpur town is devided in two part. There is old city near Kharagpur railway station.
Other part of Kharagpur city is new. There are big market and shopping complex in new area.
When you search hotels in Kharagpur then you will find name of hotel Alankar. But this hotel is in worst condition. This hotel is in a fish market. So never go there.
If you want stay near Kharagpur Railway junction then here is best option to go just 1.7 Km far from junction. Beacuse railway staion campus is huge and you get hotel after exit this huge campus. Just remember, there is no any hotel on station road.
So, just ask to any person for Fire station or municipal office or Keshiary Road near Kharagpur Junction. When you will reach near fire brigade office on Keahiary road then you get find hotels from here. The first hotel is Hotel Basundhara, which is in a street, just beside of fire station office. This hotel have small rooms but have air conditioner room with good accommodation. The rent of room is Rs. 1000 to 1200.
There are some other budget hotels near fire brigade office which have room in cheap price.
Some good quality hotels are on Kharagpur city road which rate starts from Rs. 1600 to 2000. Kharagpur City road is famous as OT road or Kharagpur College road.