
MBA By Hindi Medium Via Distance Or Regular


If you want do MBA but you can not do it due to your weak English then now it is time to be happy. University of Banaras is launching two year MBA program in Hindi medium. This MBA course will available in regular and distance eduction mode.



The eligibility for admission in MBA will be Graduate with minimum 45%. The admission will be done for 2000 students each year for MBA regular. There will no limits of number of students for distance learning mode. There is no any entrance test for admission in MBA in University of Banaras.


The total MBA course will be divided in four semester. Student have to submit online assignments and give online examination for get MBA degree. All course material will be in Hindi language.



Any one can MBA from here in Marketing, Human Resources, Operation, Retail Marketing, Insurance and Educational Administration.


The degree of MBA from University of Banaras will be valid for all Governmnet and Non- Government organizations.


The fee for MBA in Hindi Medium by this university has not declared yet. But it will be less then Rs. 30,000 (Including Total Fee and Exam Fee).


Mr. R. M. Rao, VC of University of Banaras has told that the demand of MBA students will be increased in sub-urban and rural areas in forthcoming days. If company can take any graduate in any disciplines from Hindi Medium students then they will welcome a MBA by Hindi Medium. Any MBA pass by Hindi Medium student will have more knowledge than simple graduate.



Companies are demanding for local people who should have MBA for Hindi region areas. Companies are thinking to hire a MBA candidate (Hindi Medium) for sub-urban and rural areas of Hindi region will be better than hire an IIMs pass out MBA Degree holder . Companies are hoping that if local MBA candidate who have knowledge of marketing will be hired then they will be cheaper than IIMs.



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10 thoughts on “MBA By Hindi Medium Via Distance Or Regular

  1. ------------------------------------------------------------
  2. हिंदी माध्यम से MBA करने के बाद नौकरी की कितनी उम्मीद है?

  3. MBA की पढ़ाई हिंदी मीडियम में होने से हिंदी भाषी छात्रों को काफी सहूलियत होने लगी है.

  4. हिंदी में MBA करें और प्लेसमेंट की गारंटी भी पायें.

  5. Correspondence course for MBA in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Bengali, Odia and Marathi languages are available in H K College of Business Management, New Delhi.

  6. हिंदी में MBA करने के बाद सरकारी नौकरी कैसे मिलेगी?

  7. हिंदी मीडियम से MBA करने के बाद सरकारी नौकरी मिलेगी या नहीं?

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